[Hiding in Bugs' burrow]
Bugs Bunny: Go and take a peak up an' see if he's still around
Daffy Duck: Right-O!
[Daffy looks out the hole, gunshot heard; Daffy comes back down]
Bugs Bunny: Is he still there?
Daffy Duck: [dazed] Still lurking about!
Bugs Bunny: I know! You go up an' act as a decoy an' lure 'im away.
Daffy Duck: No more for me, thanks! I'm drivin'!
Bugs Bunny: Ah, well; like they say, never send a duck to do a rabbit's job.
Daffy Duck: [to second Daffy] Listen, If you wasn't me, I'd smack you right in the puss.
Daffy Duck: Don't let that bother you, Jack.
Daffy Duck: Okay, bub, You asked for it.
[Daffy has blown himself up for a grand finale; the audience cheers]
Bugs Bunny: That's terrific, Daffy! They loved it. They want more.
Daffy Duck: [a ghost rising to heaven] I know, I know, but I can only do it once.
Daffy Duck: [jumping out of refrigerator] Well! Whata ya know? The little light. She stays on!
Daffy Duck: I've worked with a lot of withe-quackerth, but you are dethpicable
Donald F. Duck: Doggone stubborn little- That did it! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Daffy Duck: Thith ith the latht time I work with thomeone with a th-peech impediment.
Donald F. Duck: Oh, yeah?
Donald F. Duck: [shuts Daffy in a piano]
Daffy Duck: Thith meanth war.
[the Toons gather around Judge Doom's remains]
Mickey Mouse: Gosh, I wonder who he really was?
Bugs Bunny: I'll tell you one thing, Doc. He weren't no rabbit.
Daffy Duck: Or a duck.
Goofy: Or a dog.
Pinocchio: Or a little wooden boy.
Big Bad Wolf: Or a... sheep.
Woody Woodpecker: Or a woodpecker.
Sylvester: Or a pussy.
[Daffy is writing a license to shoot a fricasseeing rabbit to Elmer Fudd]
Daffy: Here is your license to soot a frica... Hey, Bugs, how do you spell "Fricasseeing".
Bugs: F-R-I-C-A-S-S-E-E-I-N-G D-U-C-K!
[Daffy gives Elmer the license and he reads it]
Daffy: (impatiently) Well, here you go... Well, whatta ya waitin' for? shoot him... Go on, go ahead.
Daffy: Hey, lemme thee that license! (reading) "Here is your license to soot a fricasseeing duck!" Well, I guess I'm the goat. Sign: Goat Season Open!
[Elmer shoots the "goat"]
[Elmer has shot Daffy one too many times]
Daffy Duck: Shoot me again! I enjoy it! I love the smell of burnt feathers, and gunpowder, and cordite! I'm an elk! Shoot me, go on! It's elk season! I'm a fiddler crab! Why don't you shoot me? It's fiddler crab season!
Bugs Bunny: Just between the two of us, what season is it, really?
Daffy Duck: Ha, ha, ha! Don't be so naive, buster. Why, everybody knows it's really duck hunting season.
[Hunters suddenly materialize and shoot Daffy; he drags himself towards Bugs]
Daffy Duck: [panting] You're despicable!
[Elmer Fudd shoots Daffy and makes his face go upside-down]
Daffy: Whatha-matter? Everythingth upside-down. That'th strange. Can't make headth or tailth outa anything.