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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Jack Sparrow: He needs the Pearl. Captain Turner needs the Pearl,
Jack Sparrow: [to Elizabeth] and you felt guilty,
Jack Sparrow: [to Barbossa] and you and your Brethren Court.
Jack Sparrow: Did no one come to save me just because they missed me? [Everyone looks around. Pintel, Ragetti, and Jack The Monkey cautiously raise their hands]
Jack Sparrow: I'm standing over there with them.

Jack Sparrow: Cuttlefish. Eh? Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish... flipper conories little sausages. Pin them up together and they will devour each other without a second thought... Human nature, in'it? Ooor... fish nature... So yes... we could hold up here well-provisioned and well-armed and half of us would be dead within the month! Which seems grim to me any way you slice it! Or... ahh... as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful... I rather doubt it. Can we in fact pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, like which fury Hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipsa loquitur, tabula in naufragio, we are left with but one option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming out of me mouth... Captain Swann. We must fight.

Captain Ammand: [about Barbossa] Shoot him!
Captain Jocard: Cut out his tongue!
Jack Sparrow: Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue! And trim that scraggly beard!

Captain Teague: [to Jack] You're in my way, boy.

Jack Sparrow: Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past... one of you succeeded. [looks at Elizabeth; Will looks at her in shock]
Jack Sparrow: Oh, she's not told you. You'll have loads to talk about while you're here.
Jack Sparrow: [to Tia Delma] As for you...
Tia Dalma: Now don't tell me you didn't enjoy it at the time.
Jack Sparrow: Fair enough. You're in. [begins going down the line of pirates on the beach]
Jack Sparrow: [to Ragetti] Don't need you, you scare me. Gibbs, you can come. Marty, Cotton... Cotton's parrot, I'm a little iffy... At least I'll have someone to talk to. [to Tai Huang]
Jack Sparrow: Who are you?
Tai Huang: Tai Huang. These are my men.
Jack Sparrow: Where does your allegiance lie?
Tai Huang: With the highest bidder.
Jack Sparrow: I have a ship.
Tai Huang: That makes you the highest bidder.
Jack Sparrow: Good man. 'Weigh anchor all hands. Prepare to make sail. [takes out compass] Cotton's Parrot: 'Weigh anchor.
Barbossa: [pats the charts in his hands] Jack... Which way ya goin' Jack?

Lord Cutler Beckett: The brethren know they face extinction. All that remains is where they make their final stand.

Jack Sparrow: [examining the map] Up is down. That's just maddingly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?
Miniature Jack 1: [voice] Clear as mud, Jackie...
Jack Sparrow: What? Eh?
Miniature Jack 1: [appearing from Jack's left dreadlocks] Stab the heart.
Miniature Jack 2: [appearing from Jack's right dreadlocks] Don't stab the heart.
Jack Sparrow: Come again?
Miniature Jack 2: The Dutchman must have a captain...
Jack Sparrow: Well that's even more than less than unhelpful.
Miniature Jack 1: Sail the seas for eternity.
Jack Sparrow: [smiling] I love the sea...
Miniature Jack 2: What about port?
Jack Sparrow: I prefer rum... Rum is good.
Miniature Jack 2: Making port, where we can get rum and sultry wenches... once every ten years.
Miniature Jack 1: What'd he say?
Jack Sparrow: Once every ten years.
Miniature Jack 1: Ten years is a long time, mate.
Jack Sparrow: Even longer, given the deficit of rum.
Miniature Jack 1: ...But eternity is longer still.
Miniature Jack 2: And how'll you be spending it? Dead?
Miniature Jack 1: ...Or not... The immortal Captain Sparrow.
Jack Sparrow: Well, I like that.
Miniature Jack 2: [looking out to the sea] Come sunset and it won't matter.
Jack Sparrow: [realizing] ... Not sunset... Sundown! And Rise... Up!

Jack Sparrow: William, tell me somethin'. Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressin' damsel? Or... rather damsel in distress? Either one...
Will Turner: No.
Jack Sparrow: Well, then you wouldn't be here, would you? So you can't be here! Q.E.D. - you're not really here!

Captain Teague: The code is the law!

Barbossa: Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures... but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. You all know this to be true!

[Quickly flies away after seeing Lord Beckett's Armada]
Cotton's Parrot: Awk! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!

Mercer: What about the Governor?... He's been asking questions about the heart.
Lord Cutler Beckett: Does he know?
Mercer: [Mercer looks at Beckett and raises an eyebrow]
Lord Cutler Beckett: Then... perhaps his usefulness has run its course.

Jack Sparrow: You may kill me but you may never insult me! Who am I?
Lord Cutler Beckett: [Beckett falters, confused]
Jack Sparrow: [Weakly, equally puzzled by Beckett's inability to guess] I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!

Will Turner: You left Jack to the kraken.
Elizabeth Swann: He's rescued now, it's done with. [pause]
Elizabeth Swann: Will, I had no choice.
Will Turner: You chose not to tell me.
Elizabeth Swann: I couldn't. It wasn't your burden to bear.
Will Turner: But I did bear it, didn't I? I just didn't know what it was. I thought...
Elizabeth Swann: You thought I loved him. [Elizabeth tries to push past Will]
Will Turner: [Will blocks her exit and pushes her back against the pillar of the cabin] If you make your choices alone... how can I trust you?
Elizabeth Swann: [pause] You can't.

Jack Sparrow: Belay that, belay that!

Will Turner: Barbossa, a heading.
Barbossa: Aye, we're good and lost now.
Elizabeth Swann: Lost?
Barbossa: For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was.
Ragetti: We're gaining speed.
Barbossa: Aye!
Will Turner: To starboard stations! All hands to stations!
Barbossa: Nay, belay that. Let her run straight and true!
Ragetti: [sees a massive waterfall] Blimey.
Elizabeth Swann: You've doomed us all!

Jack Sparrow: We must fight, to run away!

[after Jack Sparrow has tricked him into falling overboard]
Will Turner: I hate him.

Will Turner: [after Jack suggests that someone else besides Will should kill Davey Jones] Who? [notices Jack smugly grinning]
Will Turner: You?
Jack Sparrow: Death has a way of reshuffling one's priorities. I slip aboard the Dutchman, find the heart, take it, stab the beating thing, free your father from his debt, and you are free to be with your charming murderess.
Will Turner: And you're willing to cut your heart out? Bind yourself to the Dutchman, forever? Jack Sparrow: No, mate. I'm free forever. Free to sail the seas beyond the edges of the map, free from death itself.
Will Turner: But you have to do the job, Jack. You have to ferry souls to the next world... or end up like Jones [makes a gesture of the tentacles Jones has on his face. Jack cringes and strokes his own beard]
Jack Sparrow: I haven't the face for tentacles. But, immortality has to count for something, eh? Oh... [hands Will his magic compass]
Will Turner: What's this for?
Jack Sparrow: Think like me. It will come to you. [leans forward and breathes his rummy breath into Will's face. Will staggers back and falls of the Pearl. Jack sends the last body tied to a barrel overboard next to him as the Pearl sails away]
Jack Sparrow: My regards to Davey Jones!
Will Turner: [pulls himself onto the barrel, glaring at the Pearl and Jack] I hate him!

Ragetti: Boat!

[as the ship is rocking]
Pintel: He's rocking the ship!
Ragetti: We'll tie each other to the mast upside down so when the boat flips we'll be the right way up!

Jack Sparrow: Send this pestilent, traitorous, cow-hearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.

Jack Sparrow: Can't spot it. Must be a tiny thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl.

Will Turner: If he's not with you, and he's not with us, who's he with?
[Barbossa is giving orders and Jack repeats the order]

Barbossa: What are you doin'?
Jack Sparrow: What are *you* doin'?
Barbossa: No, what *are* you doin'?
Jack Sparrow: What are *you* doin'?
Barbossa: *No!* What *are* you doin'?
Jack Sparrow: What are *you* doin'? Captain gives orders on the ship.
Barbossa: The captain of the ship *is* givin' orders.
Jack Sparrow: My ship, makes me captain.
Barbossa: They be my charts!
Jack Sparrow: Well, that makes you [pause]
Jack Sparrow: chartman.
Pintel: Stow it! Both of you! That's an order! Understand? [Jack and Barbossa stare at him] Pintel: Sorry. I just thought with the Captain issue in doubt, I'd throw my name in for consideration, sorry.
Ragetti: [to Pintel] I'd vote for you.

Jack Sparrow: [walking Scarlett and Giselle to the Black Pearl] Granted it tends to list to port and has been on occasion known to frighten young women. But I promise you, you will not be disappointed.
Scarlett: [seeing a dinghy instead of the Pearl] Is that it? The Black Pearl. Not very big.
Jack Sparrow: Love, that is a dinghy. My vessel is magnificent and fierce and huge-ish. And gone. Why is it gone?
Giselle: [sees a ship in distance] Is that it there?
Jack Sparrow: Yes, there it is! Why is it there?... Its much larger up close.

Officer: [before the final battle] We have a favorable wind, sir.
Lord Cutler Beckett: [drinking tea] Oh, so we do. Signal Jones to give no quarter. That should brighten his day.

Lord Cutler Beckett: He made his own choice.
Elizabeth Swann: And you have made yours. We will fight, and you will die.
[holding up Jack's compass mockingly to Beckett]

Will Turner: What is it you want most?

Davy Jones: Ah, love: a dreadful bond, and yet so easily severed.

Davy Jones: Harridan! You'll see no mercy from me! [upon seeing Elizabeth on the ship] Elizabeth Swann: That's why I brought this. [drawing her sword to fight]
Davy Jones: [Will stabs Davy Jones with a sword] Missed! Did you forget, I'm a heartless creature. [seeing Will looking at Elizabeth]
Davy Jones: Ah, love: a dreadful bond, and yet so easily severed. Tell me William Turner, do you fear death?
Jack Sparrow: Do you? [Turns to see Jack holding the heart]
Jack Sparrow: Heady tonic, holding life and death in the power of one's hand.
Davy Jones: [snearing] You're a cruel mind, Jack Sparrow.
Jack Sparrow: Cruel is a matter of perspective.

Will Turner: I said to myself, think like Jack.
Jack Sparrow: This is what you've arrived at? Lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove so as to gain his trust, accomplish your own ends? It's like you don't know me at all, mate. And how does your dearly beloved feel about this plan? Ah, you've not seen fit to trust her with it.

Barbossa: Dearly Beloved, we be gathered here today... [is set upon by a fish-person, who he kicks in the face]
Barbossa: ... to nail yer gizzard to the mast, yer poxy cur!

Barbossa: [of releasing Calypso] It must be said as if speaking to a lover. [Pirates grin and nudge each other]
Barbossa: Calypso! I release you from your human bonds!
Pintel: [nothing happens] Is that it?
Ragetti: You didn't say it right! [all the pirates stare at him]
Ragetti: You have to say it right... [Ragetti leans into Calypso's ear]
Ragetti: [whispers, tenderly] Calypso...? I release you from your human bonds. [Calypso is freed]

Mullroy: [as Jack is taking his effects] There has definitely been a breakdown in discipline aboard this vessel.
Murtogg: I blame the fish-people.
Mullroy: [Sarcastically] Ohh, so fish-people, by dint of being fish-people are less disciplined than non-fish-people?
Murtogg: [as Jack is taking the chest] It seems contributory.
Murtogg: Of course, if there were no fish-people, then there would be no need to guard the chest.
Mullroy: And if there were no chest, then we wouldn't need to be here to guard it. [both realise that the chest is gone and the apparent danger they're in]

Elizabeth Swann: It's too late to earn my forgiveness.

Cotton's Parrot: [after having gun pointed at him by Jack the Monkey] Parlay

Captain Chevalle: There has not been a king since the first brethren court, and that is not likely to change!
Captain Teague: Not likely.
Elizabeth Swann: Why not?
Gibbs: Because the pirate king is elected by popular vote...
Barbossa: ...and each pirate only votes for himself
Jack Sparrow: I call for a vote. [Barbossa rolls his eyes as Captain Teague starts playing the guitar]
Captain Ammand: I vote for Ammand, the Corsair!
Captain Chevalle: Captain Chevalle, the penniless Frenchman!
Mistress Ching: Mistress Ching!
Elizabeth Swann: Elizabeth Swann.
Barbossa: Barbossa.
Captain Jocard: Gentleman Jocard!
Captain Vallenueva: Captain Vallenueva. [Captain Teague stops playing his guitar]
Jack Sparrow: Elizabeth Swann. [the court begins to yell]
Elizabeth Swann: What?
Jack Sparrow: I know. Curious, isn't it?

Jack Sparrow: Come sunset, it won't matter.

Barbossa: [Jack and Barbossa see the dead Kraken] Still thinkin' of running, Jack? Think you can outrun the world? You know the problem with being the last of anything, by and by there be none left at all.
Jack Sparrow: Sometimes things come back mate. We're livin' proof, you and me.
Barbossa: Aye, but that's a gamble of long odds, ain't it? There's never a guarantee of comin' back. But passin' on, that's dead certain.
Jack Sparrow: Summoning the brethren court then, is it?
Barbossa: It's our only hope, lad.
Jack Sparrow: That's a sad commentary in and of itself.
Barbossa: The world used to be a bigger place.
Jack Sparrow: World's still the same. There's just less in it.

Norrington: I had nothing to do with your father's death. But that does not absolve me of my other sins.

Mercer: [Jones and his men are attempting to recapture the ship, but find Mercer and a group of British sailors holding his heart at gunpoint] The Dutchman is in *my* command!
Davy Jones: For now...

Jack Sparrow: Nobody move! Dropped me brain.

Cabin Boy: [sung] The King and his men stole the Queen from her bed /And bound her in her bones./ The seas be ours and by the powers/ Where we will, we'll roam. [joined by other prisoners]
Cabin Boy: Yo ho, all hands, hoist the colours high/ Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!/ Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colours high/ Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!

Jack Sparrow: I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots and no more patience to pretend otherwise. Gentlemen, I wash my hand of this weirdness.

Tai Huang: [while watching the Black Pear 'sail' on sand] Impossible!

Tai Huang: [when Elizabeth tries to pass him before disarming] You think just because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery?

Barbossa: I trust you to know your place in front of Captain Sao Feng.
Elizabeth Swann: Is he that terrifying?
Barbossa: He's a lot like meself, but absent me merciful nature and sense of fair play.

Lord Cutler Beckett: Bloody hell, there's nothing left.
Mercer: Jones is a loose cannon, sir.

Barbossa: I find meself in need of a ship; and a crew.
Captain Sao Feng: [pretending to think] Ah... you know, it is a strange coincidence...
Elizabeth Swann: Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?

Will Turner: I'm losing her, Jack. Every step I make for my father is a step away from Elizabeth. Jack Sparrow: Mate, if you choose to lock your heart away you'll lose it for certain.
Tia Dalma: My sweet, you've come for me.
Davy Jones: You were expecting me?
Tia Dalma: It has been torture trapped in this single form cut off from the sea. From all that I love. From you.
Davy Jones: 10 years I devoted to the duty you charged me. 10 years I looked after those who died at sea and finally when we could be together again you weren't there. Why weren't you there?
Tia Dalma: It is my nature. Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?
Davy Jones: I do not love you!
Tia Dalma: Many things you were Davey Jones, but never cruel. You have corrupted your purpose and so yourself and you did hide away what should always have been mine! [turns him to his untentacley human form]
Davy Jones: [caressing her face] Calypso.
Tia Dalma: I will be free and when I am I will give you my heart and we will be together always but if only you had a heart to give. [turns him to his tentacley monstrous form]
Tia Dalma: [his crab claw arm reaches out and chokes her] Why did you come?
Davy Jones: [unable to pull his arm back through the bars he walks through them] And what fate have you planned for your captors?
Tia Dalma: The Brethren Court. All of them the last thing they will learn in this life is how cruel I can be. And what of your fate. Davey Jones?
Davy Jones: My heart will always belong to you. [He leaves]
Tia Dalma: [smiles softly to herself as she hugs the bars]

Captain Jocard: Who is this traitor?
Barbossa: Not likely one among us.
Elizabeth Swann: Where's Will?
Jack Sparrow: Not among us.

Jack Sparrow: You know, for all that pirates are clever-called, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.
Gibbs: Like?
Jack Sparrow: I once sailed with a geezer lost both his arms and part of his eye.
Gibbs: What did you call him?
Jack Sparrow: [pause] Larry.

Gibbs: Jack! The world needs you back something fierce!
Will Turner: Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones, he controls the Flying Dutchman. Elizabeth Swann: He's taking over the sea!
Tia Dalma: The song has already been sung! The brethren court is called!
Jack Sparrow: I leave you people alone for just a minute look what happens, everything's gone to pot!

[repeated line] Lord Cutler Beckett: It's just good business.

Officer: [after getting out of the maelstrom Captain Jack Sparrow orders the crew to wait] What is he waiting for?
Lord Cutler Beckett: He actually expects us to honor our agreement. Nothing personal, Jack...it's just good business.

Davy Jones: The Dutchman sails as its Captain commands!
Lord Cutler Beckett: And its Captain is to sail it as commanded!

[Jack is about to eat a peanut when a shot is heard. He falls to the ground to reveal ANOTHER Jack Sparrow]
Jack Sparrow: [picking up the peanut] MY peanut!

Tia Dalma: [to Davy Jones] I will be free. And when I am, I would give you my heart. And we would be together always... If only you had a heart to give.

Elizabeth Swann: [of the Pirate Lords and their crews fighting each other] This is madness.
Jack Sparrow: This is politics.

Barbossa: The world used to be a bigger place.
Jack Sparrow: The world's still the same - there's just less in it.

Tia Dalma: Many things you were, Davy Jones... but never cruel. You have corrupted your purpose... and so corrupted yourself.

Tia Dalma: And what of your fate, Davy Jones?
Davy Jones: [pause] My heart will always belong to you.

Gibbs: Look alive, men! It's not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island where lie Shipwreck Cove in the town of Shipwreck.

Elizabeth Swann: [after she sees her father in a boat sailing by the Black Pearl in Davy Jones's Locker] That's my father, we've made it back! Father! Father! Look here!
Jack Sparrow: [solemly] Elizabeth, we're not back. [Elizabeth's smile starts to fade]

[Elizabeth sees her father in a boat that headed towards the land of the dead and is trying to get off the ship to him]
Tia Dalma: She must not leave the ship! [she and most of the crew members rush towards her to stop her]
Elizabeth Swann: Father!
Governor Swann: I'll send your love to your mother, child.
Elizabeth Swann: Father! [Will grabs her and holds onto her while she cries]
Will Turner: [to Tia] Is there a way?
Tia Dalma: [shakes her head] Him at peace.

Davy Jones: James Norrington, do you fear death? [with his last breath, Norrington stabs Jones] Davy Jones: I'll take that as a "no".

Will Turner: Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?
Elizabeth Swann: I do.
Will Turner: Great!
Elizabeth Swann: Will Turner, do you take me to be your wife, in sickness and in health, with health being less likely?
Will Turner: I do.
Barbossa: You may kiss - You may kiss - JUST KISS!

Jack Sparrow: Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

Elizabeth Swann: [Norrington is helping Elizabeth to escape] What are you doing?
Norrington: Choosing a side.

Will Turner: Will you marry me?
Elizabeth Swann: I don't think now's the best time!
Will Turner: Now may be the only time! I love you. I've made my choice. What's yours? Elizabeth Swann: Barbossa! [Will shocked because of her 'choice']
Elizabeth Swann: [to Barbossa] Marry us! [Will is relieved]
Barbossa: I'm a little busy at the moment!

Will Turner: Why don't you both go ashore, and leave the ship in *my* command? Temporarily.

Jack Sparrow: [holding Davy Jones heart] Heady tonic, holding the power of life and death in one's hand.

Jack Sparrow: Why would he do that? Because he's a lummox, isn't he? Well we shall have a magnificent garden party and you're not invited!
Officer: Which ship do we follow?
Lord Cutler Beckett: Signal the Dutchman to track down Sao Feng. We follow the Pearl. How soon can we have the ship ready to pursue?
Officer: [Captain looks back towards a cracking sound, and watches as the large mast falls down. He turns his head and looks on towards the Black Pearl] Do you think he plans it all out or just makes it up as he goes along?

Captain Teague: It's not about living forever, Jackie. It's about living with yourself forever.

Will Turner: [his last lines] Keep a weather eye on the horizon.

Davy Jones: Come to join me crew again, Mr. Turner?
Will Turner: Not yours. His.

Davy Jones: I cannot be summoned like some... mongrel pup!
Lord Cutler Beckett: Apparently, you can.

Lord Cutler Beckett: [to Davy] The immaterial has become... immaterial.

Jack Sparrow: [in reply to Gibbs' remark about tradition] I've never actually been one for tradition.

Captain Sao Feng: Elizabeth Swann, there is more to you than meets the eye, isn't there? And the eye does not go wanting.

[Scarlett and Giselle are fighting, Jack watches the Pearl sail away]
Jack Sparrow: Ladies, will you please shut it! Listen to me.
[to Giselle] Jack Sparrow: Yes, I lied to you.
[to Scarlett] Jack Sparrow: No, I don't love you.
[to Giselle] Jack Sparrow: Of course it makes you look fat.
[to Scarlett] Jack Sparrow: I've never been to Brussels.
[to Giselle] Jack Sparrow: It is pronounced *egregious*.
[to Scarlett] Jack Sparrow: By the way, no. I've never actually met Pizarro, but I love his pies. [to both] Jack Sparrow: And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. Savvy?
[Giselle slaps him, Scarlett slaps him, he slaps Gibbs]

Jack Sparrow: How's mum? [Captain Teague holds up a decayed shrunken head]
Jack Sparrow: [revolted] ... She looks great.

Pintel: [to Elizabeth] Good-bye, Poppet.

Cabin Boy: [sung] The King and his men stole the Queen from her bed /And bound her in her bones./ The seas be ours and by the powers/ Where we will, we'll roam. [joined by other prisoners]
Cabin Boy: Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colours high/ Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!

Pintel: No one said anything about cold.
Ragetti: I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.
Pintel: Why don't that Obeah woman bring Jack back the same way she brought back Barbossa. Tia Dalma: Because Barbossa was only dead. Jack Sparrow is taken body and soul to a place not of death, but of punishment, the worst fate a person can bring upon himself stretching on forever. That's what awaits at Davy Jones' locker.
Ragetti: Well, I knew there was a good reason.

Tia Dalma: Jack Sparrow is taken, body and soul, to a place not of death, but punishment.

Lord Cutler Beckett: You're mad.
Jack Sparrow: Thank goodness for that, 'cause if I wasn't this would probably never work. [catapults himself onto his ship landing safely on his feet behind his crew]
Jack Sparrow: And that was without even a single drop of rum.

Will Turner: No course is lost if but one fool is left to fight.

[last lines] Jack Sparrow: Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

Jack Sparrow: Think like the whelp. Think like the whelp... Think like the whelp... [sees bars] Jack Sparrow: Half barrel hinges.
Jack Sparrow: Leverage...
[breaks cell gate]

Jack Sparrow: You may throw my hat if you wish. [Gibbs throws Jack's hat]
Jack Sparrow: Now go and get it.

Barbossa: Dying is the day worth living for.

Captain Sao Feng: All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be.
Elizabeth Swann: And some men offer desire as justification for their crimes.
Captain Sao Feng: I offer simply my desire.
Elizabeth Swann: And in return?
Captain Sao Feng: I would have your gifts. Should you choose to give them.
Elizabeth Swann: Oh... and if I should choose not?
Captain Sao Feng: Then I will take your fury.

Gibbs: Well, slap me thrice and hand me to me mama!

Ragetti: [of Davy Jones] So he wasn't always so... tentacley?

Jack Sparrow: Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by.

'Bootstrap' Bill Turner: One day on shore and ten years at sea. It's a steep price for what's been done.
Will Turner: Depends on the one day.

Jack Sparrow: I don't have the face for tentacles.

Ragetti: Wonder what would happen if we were to drop a cannonball on them...

Pintel: [there is nothing to drink] No water. Why is all but the rum gone?
Gibbs: Rum's gone too.

Barbossa: There's not been a gatherin' like this in our lifetime.
Jack Sparrow: And I owe them all money.

Pintel: So change the name.
Gibbs: To what? To "nine pieces of whatever we happened to have in our pockets at the time"? Oh, yes. That sounds very piraty.

Elizabeth Swann: Jack, it would never have worked out between us.
Jack Sparrow: Keep telling yourself that, darling. [Elizabeth tries to kiss Jack and he moves away]
Jack Sparrow: Once was quite enough!

Barbossa: Strike up the colors.

Jack Sparrow: I agree with, and I cannot belive the words are coming out of me mouth... Captain Swann. We must fight.

Jack Sparrow: [to Tia Dalma] You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium.

Norrington: Our fates have been entwined, Elizabeth, but never joined. [kisses her]

Elizabeth Swann: Pretty speech from a captor, but words whispered through prison bars lose their charm.

Jack Sparrow: He was quite charming, wasn't he?

Ragetti: These aren't pieces of eight, they're pieces of junk!

Tia Dalma: Witty Jack is closer than you think!
[mast of the Black Pearl appears in the background, Jack perched on top]

Will Turner: [to Elizabeth, holding his heart in the Dead Man's Chest] It's always belonged to you. Will you keep it safe?

Jack Sparrow: William, have you noticed something? Or rather, have you noticed something that's not there to be noticed?
Will Turner: You haven't raised an alarm.
Jack Sparrow: Odd, isn't it? Not as odd as this...
[referring to Will strapping the dead bodies of East India Co. soldiers to barrels and dropping them overboard]
Jack Sparrow: Come out with all this by your own son, did you?

Lord Cutler Beckett: The enemy has opted for oblivion! Prepare the fleet.

Governor Swann: Elizabeth, are you dead?
Elizabeth Swann: No!
Governor Swann: I think I am.

[Teague beckons forth the dog with the keys, last left on the cannibal island]
Ragetti: Is that... can't be.
Pintel: How?
Captain Teague: Sea turtles, mate.

Jack Sparrow: I leave you people alone for just a minute and look what happens. Everything's gone to pot!

Jack Sparrow: If I may lend a machete to your intellectual thicket.

Mistress Ching: Shipwreck Cove is a fortress! A well-supplied fortress!
[the Flying Dutchman sails near a giant whirlpool]

Davy Jones: Move forward into the abyss!
Mercer: Are you mad?
Davy Jones: Ha! You afraid to get wet?

Barbossa: Sao Feng, I assure you, I had no idea...

[Poking around the carcass of the Kraken lying on the shore]
Pintel: Stupid fish!
Ragetti: Actually, it's a cephalopod.
Elizabeth Swann: You will listen to me! LISTEN! The other ships will still be looking to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead, and what will they see? Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship? No, no they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see, they will see the flash of our cannons, and they will hear the ringing of our swords, and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brow and the strength of our backs and the courage in our hearts! Gentlemen, hoist the colors!

'Bootstrap' Bill Turner: Part of the crew, part of the ship!

Davy Jones: Ha ha... Lookie here boys. A lost bird. A lost bird that never learned to fly!
Jack Sparrow: To my great regret. But, it's never too late to learn!
[uses the Dead Man's Chest to trigger a line to pull him up to the Flying Dutchman's mast]

Davy Jones: Do you fear death?
Jack Sparrow: You have no idea.

Captain Sao Feng: Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore.

Captain Sao Feng: The only way for a pirate to make a living these days is by betraying other pirates.
[Sao Feng holds a knife near a frightened Asian man]

Captain Sao Feng: Drop your weapons, or I kill the man!
Barbossa: Kill him, he's not our man.
Will Turner: Wait,if he's not with you & he's not with us... then who is he with?

Sumbhajee: [in a comical high-pitched voice] And so... we shall go to war!

Jack Sparrow: Now we're being followed by rocks. Never had that one before.

Davy Jones: You can do nothing without the key!
Jack Sparrow: I already have the key!
Davy Jones: [shows the key] No you don't.
Jack Sparrow: Oh, that key.

'Bootstrap' Bill Turner: [about Will having to choose between marrying Elizabeth and saving him] He won't choose me. *I* wouldn't choose me!

Lord Cutler Beckett: You can fight and all of you will die, or you can not fight... in which case only most of you will die.

Elizabeth Swann: [after seeing the huge waterfall] You've doomed us all!
Barbossa: Don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again and these be the last friendly words you'll hear.

Barbossa: [while going down the Maelstrom] It be too late to alter course now, mateys!

Gibbs: The wind's on our side boys! That's all we need!

Elizabeth Swann: I propose an exchange. Will leaves with us. And you can take Jack.
Will Turner: Done.
Jack Sparrow: Undone.
Lord Cutler Beckett: Done.
Barbossa: [to Elizabeth] Jack's one of the nine pirate lords. You have no right.
Elizabeth Swann: [with defiance] King!

Captain Sao Feng: [to Barbossa] The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead... is so I could send him back MYSELF!

Davy Jones: [about to kill Bootstrap] You will not forestall my judgment!

Tai Huang: A dangerous song to be singing... for anyone ignorant of its meaning. Particularly a woman... particularly a woman alone...
Captain Barbossa: What makes you think she's alone? [enter Barbossa down the stairs]
Tai Huang: You protect her?
Elizabeth Swann: [puts a knife to Tai Huang's throat] And what makes you think I need protecting?
Captain Barbossa: [to Tai Huang] Your master's expecting us... and an unexpected death'd cast a slight pall on our meeting.
[Elizabeth takes the hint and lets go of Tai Huang]

Elizabeth Swann: Sao Feng is dead. He fell to the Flying Dutchman.
Mistress Ching: The plagued ship?
Jack Sparrow: He made you captain? They're giving the bloody title away now.

Elizabeth Swann: [Pearl is heading towards maelstrom] Captain Barbossa! We need you at the helm!
Barbossa: [turns to her] Aye, that be true!

[first lines]
Officer: In order to affect a timely halt to deterioriating conditions, and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of His Majesty, the King. By decree, according to martial law, the following statutes are temporarily amended: Right to assembly, suspended. Right to habeas corpus, suspended. Right to legal counsel, suspended. Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended. By decree, all persons found guilty of piracy, or aiding a person convicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy, shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead.

Tia Dalma: There's an Evil on these Seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear.

[Cutler Beckett and his crew step aboard the Flying Dutchman]
Davy Jones: GO, all of you! And take that infernal thing with you. I will not hae it on my ship. Lord Cutler Beckett: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, because *I* will. Because it seems to be the only way to ensure listening ears. We need prisoners to interrogate, which seems to work best when they're alive.
Davy Jones: The Dutchman sails as it's captain commands.
Lord Cutler Beckett: And it's captain is to sail it as COMMANDED! I thought you would have learned that, after I ordered you to kill your pet. This is no longer your world Jones. The immaterial has become... immaterial.

Gibbs: [Jack and Elizabeth climb back onto the Black Pearl] Thank goodness, Jack! The armada's still out there, the Endeavour is coming hard on starboard, and I think its time we embrace that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions.
Jack Sparrow: [looks out towards the Endeavour] Never actually been one for tradition... Close haul her! Luff the sails and lay her in irons!
Barbossa: Belay that, or we'll be a sittin' duck!
Jack Sparrow: Belay that, belay that!
Jack Sparrow: [crew starts arguing with him] Belay! Belay! No! Stow! Shut it!

Elizabeth Swann: We've come to rescue you.
Jack Sparrow: Have you not. It's very kind of you. But it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't you're the ones in need of rescuing and I'm not sure that I'm in the mood.

[in Davy Jones' Locker, hundreds of souls pass by]
Pintel: Eerie... That's downright "macabrey".

Davy Jones: [after Sparrow has been pulled to the mast of the Dutchman] The chest! Hand it over!
Jack Sparrow: I can set you free, mate!
Davy Jones: My freedom was forfeit long ago!

Mercer: [Dutchman is headed towards the Maelstrom] Steer out!
Davy Jones: She'll not harm us! Full bore and into the abyss!
Mercer: Are you mad?
Davy Jones: HA! You 'fraid to get wet?

Barbossa: [during parlay on sandbar, to Will] You be the curr that led these wolves to our door? Lord Cutler Beckett: Don't blame Turner, he was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left.
Jack Sparrow: [Barbossa, Elizabeth, and Jack look left. Jack looks at Elizabeth] My hands are clean in this, figuratively.
Will Turner: My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it. Jack Sparrow: Well spoke, listen to the tool!

Lord Cutler Beckett: [during parlay] Advise your brethren. You can fight, and all of you will die... or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die.
Elizabeth Swann: You murdered my father.
Lord Cutler Beckett: He chose his own fate.
Elizabeth Swann: And you have chosen yours. We will fight. And you will die.

Ragetti: None of that!
Gibbs: If things don't go the way we want then we're the only chance they've got!

[Jack swings from one boat to another]
Jack Sparrow: And that was without one single drop of rum.


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